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A hyperawareness of animals as fleshy, material beings rather than disembodied symbols



A process of deconstructing the animal body in order to reconstruct or recreate it as an object for visual consumption



Compelling viewers to reconsider animal materiality and how humans use and manipulate animal bodies in the service of both art and science



Contemplating the materiality of animals and the ethics of utilizing animal bodies without having to face the actual animal bodies themselves



No longer a definitive source of scientific information and knowledge, the taxidermied animal becomes either vehicle for ethical and aesthetic considerations or a source of amusement and entertainment.



Such profoundly material and embodied creations become disembodied through digitization



The distanced viewing of the taxidermied animal body



Digitized animal bodies can circulate more freely and widely than the original animal specimens ever could, and are capable of being viewed by anyone with an internet connection.



Physical decay and decomposition no longer pose a threat to the animal body, now preserved as a digital presence.



Embracing a productive tension between ideas of unity and fragmentation



The real animals themselves are quickly disappearing from the planet leaving only representations and abstractions



The animal body as an entity composed of pieces or parts, symbolic of the viscera, organs, and animate matter of animal bodies



Leaving animal bodies entirely under the control of human users



The messy entanglements of human and nonhuman actors have been flattened out



Impresses more clearly upon our senses and sensibilities and creates a greater sense of engagement and enmeshment of humans with the nonhuman world



Boundaries between bodies, between human and nonhuman, between living and dead, between physical and digital are repeatedly evoked and dissolved



The permeability or collapse of distinctions and boundaries between humans and nonhumans is complicated in the world of digital animal bodies



More vital than the original materiality of flesh-and-blood animal bodies out in the natural world



With our focus on digitized animals, we can potentially leave real animals alone and undisturbed, but we can also find ourselves caring less and less about the real animals and their fate.



The digitized animals are far easier to control, contain, and manipulate than the real animals; they do not die, escape, or resist us

© 2016 by Julie McCown

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